Author Archives: theblackberrybruja

New Moon in Pisces | Moon Cycle Reading

“A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world.”

– Oscar Wilde

↳ On this New Moon, Spirit is asking you to slow down and listen in to your heart’s desires. “You have come so far, dear ones, and we are proud of you.” The time to take action will come soon, but first, try to immerse yourself in the subject matter you are most interested in at this time. Channel the creativity inside you by using it to soak in information that excites your mind. Your sacral chakra has been out of balance lately, and you’ve noticed it too, but there is always a way to bring it back into equilibrium. In fact, there are numerous ways that you can do this but it all depends on where you are in your journey and what resonates the strongest with your spirit at the time of stabilization. Those creative sparks that have been popping up in your mind are coming directly from the Source! You will feel it build up inside your solar plexus and it could feel warm or tingly when you think about these newly gifted ideas! If it scares you and makes you feel enthusiastic at the same time, this. is. your. passion.

Do not turn your back on your dreams… Heed them, listen to them, learn from them.

However, be careful not to get stuck on the notion that your project or business MUST look like this other project/business/completed work. It is okay to feel inspired by another’s work, but don’t feel the need to create this algorithm in your head based on ONE case. Yes, in THEIR case, that was their formula, but your mind works in a completely different way. You may not know exactly what you are doing at the beginning, but trust in that. Maybe that doesn’t matter as much as why you are doing it. This new chapter cannot be stopped from beginning, but it also cannot be rushed. In the meantime, learn from Monkey and try something NEW (for you). The chapter you are currently in is coming to a happy close, so take the necessary naps and trust in your higher self’s wisdom.

– rebirth
– a new you
– dreaming of your tomorrow
– deep in emotions
– the time for action is near
– fresh perspective
– stronger intuition
– creative projects
– old vs new methods

♡Adriana Marina

Tarot in the Mornings | Heal the Wound

March 17, 2018

↳ You are likely experiencing harmony in your relationships at this time as you continue to grow closer with your loved ones. There is more love surrounding you than you think. Now you can rest your mind for a minute or two and concentrate on some much-needed – and, can I say it? much-avoided – inner work. The New Moon today is gifting you a wonderful opportunity to connect in with your higher self and with your spirit guides more easily – like a light switch, you’ll be able to turn it on or off with ease and grace.

Being grateful for this gift, allow yourself to explore how you are individually helping to light the world up, to give back. How would you like to begin? Enjoy the dream-like state of The Fool so you can be light-hearted in your approach to your passions. The how is not as important as the why. It will come about for you, but first… Self-reflection on a deep level needs to take place.

There are certain patterns that you’ve witnessed play out for you on several different occasions, but all with the same ending. You continue to ask yourself, “Why?” and “How could this have happened to me?” when the answer has always been at its home, inside your heart. Yes, why does this continue to occur? The truth may be tough to face, but it is REAL. And you better take a long, hard look at it. You may have been betraying yourself by not listening to your inner voice. Those swords in your heart, you put them there. YOU. Not anyone else. It is a bitter realization, but a powerful one too. Accept that you put yourself in this position and deal with the aftermath. Pick up the pieces you do have left. Feeling that you have lost everything in the process also has its positives. There is nowhere to go but UP.

This time, you promise to do better?

Honestly, if you can look at these wounds with eyes of compassion, you will be moving forward beautifully. Once your actions align with your true self, the rest will just fall into place. Spirit is showing me a line of dominoes falling down, all in a row. THAT’S how fast it will be (or seem to be). That is the thing with following your passion – it will make time fly by so fast you’ll be disappointed when you have to STOP working. That is when you know you’ve found it.

Inspired action springs seeds well-planted. Seeds well-planted spring hard work. Hard work springs a realistic and structured plan. Get to IT!

♡Adriana Marina

Tarot in the Mornings | Be Reliable and Move Forward

March 15, 2018

↳ It is important to be practical and grounded when facing new challenges today. It may have been easier in the past to just dust off the things that were difficult, but this has changed. YOU have changed. Get into the flow of being responsible for your life firstly by taking accountability for your actions day-to-day. What have you been doing consistently that serves no purpose for you on the daily? Think about the ‘time-wasters’ in your situation at this time…

Spirit says, “Cut off the excess in order to lead a leaner life.” If you have far too many tasks at hand, it could force you to come to a stalemate in order to CHOOSE what stays and what goes. Though it would be lovely to keep it all, right now, you have to be open to letting some things go. As long as you continue to progress, The Wheel of Life will acknowledge this and make it a bit easier for you during this transition. Trust that the people, situations, or material things that are making their way out are meant to be leaving. Perhaps you need to ponder your attachment to whatever this is so that you can feel at peace when it goes over the horizon.

♡Adriana Marina